56 spaces in this area.


Browse 56+ Meeting Rooms for hire in San Francisco

Flexible Locations for Your Offsite Meetings, Team Events and Corporate Business Events

Discover modern meeting spaces in the heart of San Francisco. From full-day seminars to inspiring workshops near the Golden Gate Bridge, our portfolio offers everything you need. With Spacebase, planning your event on the West Coast never been easier, with seminar or meeting rooms in in San Francisco to suit your individual needs.




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Instant booking

Intelligent Office Burlingame

Meeting Room

Meeting Room for 5


1 - 5


Coworking spaces

From $ 30 /h

Instant booking

Intelligent Office Burlingame

Conference Room

Conference Room for 16


1 - 16


Coworking spaces

From $ 42 /h

Instant booking

Intelligent Office San Francisco

Meeting Room

Private Meeting Room for 5


1 - 5


Coworking spaces

From $ 30 /h

Instant booking

Intelligent Office San Francisco

Conference Room

Conference Room for 12


1 - 12


Coworking spaces

From $ 42 /h

Instant booking


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